Currently on hiatus. We'll be back in the fall!
When COVID came along, I thought, how can I create something good out of this?
You know, the old lemons into lemonade idea.
That's when the Lemonade Party was born.
And everyone's invited!
I give a writing prompt - a phrase or a word that will spark your creativity - then you get twenty minutes to write whatever you're inspired to write.
Next, a few people share what they've written.
THEN... we do it all over again!
It's fun and it's free!
(or an optional $10 "donation")
The best part is I've created this wonderful,
ever-expanding writing community.
Not to mention that you don't even have to change
out of your pajamas!
"Nelsie is a literary midwife. I have taken dozens of her classes and Lemonade Parties during the pandemic. She sees the potential and beauty in her students’ words and draws out our creativity with her steadfast encouragement, delighted enthusiasm, and playfulness."
-- Julie D. Dec. 2020