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The Joyful Writer Method Testimonials

"I am grateful for your class. You moved me both emotionally and intellectually.

Many teachers teach the writer’s craft, but few tackle the emotional side

and bring a positive force to all the negatives we impose on ourselves as we write.

Even though this was a Zoom class, which tends to distance the presenter from the viewer, I connected with you.

I felt your warmth and concern for me as a struggling writer. 

All your lessons were so well planned. Your ideas are succinctly laid out.  

At the end of each session, I felt emboldened to tackle new behaviors

and apply new writing skills.

I remember how you emphasized the importance of reviewing your lessons

and I am doing just that.  

-- Natalie, The Joyful Student

"I’m writing more, and enjoying it more, and I gained some new insights from TJWM sessions. I realize one of my protagonists is quite bland, so I'm in the process of injecting a bit more tension and conflict... 

Before TJWM I couldn’t quite put my finger on

the thing that annoyed me about her, so thank you very much. 

Thank you for everything!"
-- Emer Ward, Writer, Ireland

"I loved the mix of anecdotal stories with concrete writing techniques,

the combination of lecture and writing exercises…the yin and the yang.  

Though I still struggle with consistency, I now have tools to use, and use them I will.  You have a way of moving your students deeper into their own writing experience

so organically, the changes simply appear.  That’s a profound gift.   

You have helped me gain some understanding of how a plot moves along,

how dialogue reflects real spoken language and how [negative] self-talk works overtime to keep the writer stuck in old patterns.  

In short, The Joyful Writing Method helped this writer give herself permission to explore new genres to play with.   

Whether you are a person who is an experienced writer or a novice, this class has something for you to fold into your practice.  I am grateful and encouraged,

and more confident in sharing my writing, something I never thought I’d do.  

The Joyful Writing Method reminds us all to “not forget to have fun.”  

What’s better advice than that? 

-- Robin Perry, Writer

"Thank you, Nelsie Spencer for The Joyful Writing Method.  

When I began this journey, I did not have any expectations.  

I approached it with curiosity, ready to absorb what I might.  

Twelve sessions later, I am astounded by how easily you moved me from a place of neutrality to an actual need to write every day.  I know I’m not the first to say how contagious your positive approach to writing (and life) is.

If I feel stuck, I can see Nelsie’s smile, and hear her saying,

“What if Shakespeare only journaled?”  Nelsie is insightful and inspirational!

-- A Joyful Student

I’m much more consistent now than when I joined TJWM.

I feel very motivated by [the sessions], and your ‘can do’ attitude.

I think I’m very much a social learner, not always good at the solitary discipline. 

I'm prioritizing my writing much better now. 

Procrastination not a problem right now, thank you.” 
-- JWM Student

"Thank you so much for allowing me to preview your Joyful Writer Method classes.

I thoroughly enjoyed every one.
I have taken many writing classes and workshops, read myriad books

on the craft and been writing in various forms for a long time...

I came into TJWM class with minimal expectations,

thinking I might glean a thing or two. But I came away with so much more! 

TJWM offered valuable instruction in the craft of writing and

exercises to apply and further hone my skills,

but more importantly, it reminded me of the exhilaration of writing.

Like many writers, I find the creative process daunting and often resist sitting down to face the page, but TJWM encouraged me to silence the voices of self-doubt and to approach writing with a renewed sense of playfulness and joy.
Thanks again!"

Belinda Kein

Nelsie Spencer

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